Thursday 11 November 2010

Places of prayer

I took these in various churches, both local parish churches and a Cathedral. I have tried to place the camera at the same level and position of someone praying in front of the altar or shrine. Since prayer inside churches and before statues or icons is generally a quiet time of contemplation  I wanted the photographic process to reflect this so used neutral density filters to enable me to lengthen, the exposure as much as possible. I used this time to pray myself (an idea I got from reading about how the painters of icons consider prayer to be of utmost importance during the process). I began by using f22 to help lengthen the exposure but then realised that when I was looking while praying I concentrated on one thing like a face or a candel and everything else was out of focus so I started experimenting with shallower depths of fields. While I took the ones in the Cathedral there was someone was playing some amazing organ music which almost made the stone floor vibrate! 

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