Tuesday 2 November 2010

Found Still Life images taken in St.Peter's Church


The next thing I tried was to photograph ‘found’ still life images taken in St. Peter’s church, Yateley. I found that ‘sacred’ objects (or objects used in rituals) were left lying around with everyday objects that often have a practical use. The clock was positioned so the vicar could see the time when he was conducting the service for example and the bottle of hand sanitizer was placed on a shelf next to the alter. I also took some ‘interior’ shots of the rooms the public wouldn’t normally enter such as the choir vestry which were full of drum kits, boxes of Christmas decorations, rolls of cloth and a model of a new Church building complex. As well as liking the idea of being nosey and poking around a variety religious buildings I think the images may be able to say something of the daily life of the church. The jumble of objects I came across reminded me of how the location of an object transforms the way we view it. Like an icon in a quiet candle lit chapel compared to one in a brightly lit glass cabinet in the national gallery.

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