Thursday 11 November 2010

Working with Narrative

2nd attempt after some feedback that the first image was too complicated.

I have been thinking about how to portray a more personal account of what my faith means to me and decided to use images to create a kind of loose narrative based on feelings more than words. I have included a verse from Psalm 23 with the first one but I will try to write some text myself ( I think text is probably necessary for any sense to be made of the images)   I am trying to convey the unnerving feeling I have while trying to allow God to lead me in life, not knowing where it will take me whilst holding onto the promises that he/she will stay close within and around me. Although Jesus asks people to follow him he doesn't promise the ride will be easy and says it will take his disciples out of their comfort zones. At the moment the images seem a bit bleak although I have ended each series with an image I want to convey the constant presence and sanctuary I believe God promises.I think if you click on the pictures you can see them a bit bigger.

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