Monday 2 May 2011



14 years before this event Sarah decides that since Abraham and herself are childless she would give him her servant Hagar to have a baby with. In Sarah’s mind this child would be hers but as soon as Hagar became pregnant Sarah realised she would never be the mother. The relationship between the women got worse and worse until finally the pregnant Hagar ran away only to be persuaded by God to go back and put up with Sarah’s ill-treatment. Ishmael was born and as Abraham’s son was inline to become the next tribal leader. Sarah finally got pregnant and had Issac. Realising that Ishmael as the eldest son would inherit she persuaded Abraham to send him and Hagar away which Abraham did. It is this expulsion from the family unit as dysfunctional as it was that this image focuses on. 

Hagar Leaves the House of Abraham’ by Rubens


 Everyone did amazingly, even if it was hard keeping a straight face at times!

In this one the conflict between the two women takes centre stage. 'Abraham' and his son gaze at in other in an uspoken dialogue, although despite his regret Abraham’s position in the scene emphasises his final allegiance to Sarah. 

Here both Hagar and Ishmael look to Abraham to stand up for them. However Sarah, 

‘The Expulsion of Hagar and Ishmael’ by Jan Victors

Here, as in the biblical text Abraham is the one delivering the news that Hagar and Ishmael must leave. Sarah stays in the background enjoying the moment she has instigated.  

 The scene without lighting.

One group torn with the emotion of parting whilst another looks
forward to a bright future. 

Abraham and their child make a complete family unit with no room for Hagar and Ishmael.

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