Friday 17 December 2010

Presentation of work

So here is the work up on the wall for the presentation. Its printed A2 (ish) with a lustre finish and coated and backed on 3m foamex. I am reasonably happy with them although next time will look into alternative presentation ideas (printing on different surfaces (wood?) / a book/ projections etc.... The formal presentation went quite well and gave me some things to think about. I have decided to continue with this work for next semester - although will also work on the foot washing idea. Thank you to all who have supported me though this!

Sunday 12 December 2010

Here are the final edits. I decided to use the short captions 'Bind us' 'Renew Us' and 'Release Us' to roughly relate to the themes of Relationship, Transformation and Journey. I am going to print them as 3 A2 pieces. I am hoping the viewer will allow themselves to respond emotionally to the images rather than trying to analyse the 'meaning' of each one. Whilst I could explain the images and reasons for including them I relied heavily on my intuition when photographing.  I believe that sometimes our minds can get in the way of our understanding especially when it comes to something as indescribable and unknowable as God. I hope that a visual response to trying to get to know and get closer to God with the struggles that go with that will offer an alternative path of contemplation over explanation. Whether or not the viewer has a faith themselves I hope that they will be able to see aspects of their own journey through life reflected in the images.


I now have a lot of images and am trying to work out how to edit them. I decided to try and write some text to go with the 3 themes Evelyn Underhill talks about as 3 ways we understand us and God. I will then try to create 3 groups of images which respond as a visual prayer to these words.



Do you want to follow me, to give me your heart, mind, body and soul? I will take you down into the deep waters of sorrow and up to the highest point of joy. I offer not what the world gives but a life untold, uncertain but with the promise of complete fulfilment of the knowledge that you are satisfying me and that one day you will know me in all my glory.

I have opened my arms wide to you, come and accept my embrace. My love is rich and abundant, deeper than you will ever know. For you to know who I am I paid a great price. Do not turn your back on me but come to me freely and I will give you peace.

I made you. Come back to me. My Spirit living in you can mend and heal all your brokenness and make you whole again. Let go of the lies that bind you, blind you and freeze your heart to me. Open yourself to my touch. Call me and I will come.